Add a Practitioner to your Organisation

This article explains how to create a new TeleHab user account for a practitioner in your organisation.


Step 1: Click the Settings button from the main menu.

Step 2: Click the Manage users tab. 

Step 3: Click the Go to VALD Hub Management button. 

Step 4: Click the Create User button. 

Step 5: Input the Given Name, Family Name and Email for the new user.  

NOTE: A unique email address is required for the user to log in to TeleHab.
Step 6: Select TeleHab Practitioner – View, Create, Modify, Delete to provide TeleHab user permissions for your new user.
  • If you select specific Categories and Groups you will not be able to issue TeleHab Practitioner permissions. 
  • If you wish to provide your new user with permission to TeleHab software integration settings, select TeleHab PMS/EMR link – View, Create, Modify, Delete. 

Step 7: Click the Save button. You will return to the user management tab, where all your users will be listed.


  • Your new user will automatically be sent a welcome email to create a password and log into TeleHab.
  • Please have your new user check their junk mail and other similar folders, if they do not see the email in their inbox.
  • If a user does not receive their welcome email, you can also resend their welcome email from VALD Hub User Management.
  • For more details on creating a password, please open the Practitioner Sign Up support page.

Step 8: Click Open TeleHab icon to return to TeleHab. 

If you require any further assistance creating practitioners within your organisation or have a large number of practitioners to add to your organisation please contact